Bakalárske štúdium (do 31.03.24)


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Pedagogická prax

ŠVOUČ na Kajku

Konferencia k ŠVOUČ - Študentská vedecká, odborná a umelecká činnosť, ktorá sa konala 27. marca na Pedagogickej fakulte, Katedre anglického jazyka a kultúry, predstavila tvrdú prácu a hlboké znalosti našich študentov. Podujatie prinieslo sériu výskumných prác, kde účastníci ako Renáta Kunová, ktorá získala prvé miesto za prácu na tému "Development of English Student Teachers’ Phonic Competence,"preukázali znalosť v odbore svojho výskumu. Barbora Kopecká a Šimon Haspra sa tiež vyznamenali pri zisku druhého a tretieho miesta za svoje práce na témy "Bilingual Literacy – Content and Language Integrated Learning" a "Future EFL Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness". Ich prezentácie boli nielen poučné, ale tiež ukázali ich zručnosti a profesionálny prístup. Konferenciu obohatili aj diskusie a schopnosť študentov držať krok so súčasnými vzdelávacími trendmi.
Srdečne blahoželáme a ďakujeme všetkým účastníkom za ich príspevky.
1.miesto: Renáta Kunová - The Development of English Student Teachers' Phonic Competence
2.miesto: Barbora Kopecká - Bilingual Literacy - Content and Language Integrated Learning.
3.miesto: Šimon Haspra - Future EFL Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness
                 Alexandra Grmanová - Critical Thinking in English Lessons (at the Secondary Level of > Education)
                 Eva Gembická - CLIL method in Geography
Student Research Conference at the Department of English Language and Culture
The Student Research Conference 2024, held on March 27 at the Faculty of Education's Department of English Language and Culture, showcased the hard work and in-depth knowledge of our students. The event highlighted a series of well-researched theses, where participants like Renáta Kunová, who won first place for her thesis on the "Development of English Student Teachers’ Phonic Competence," displayed a dedication to their research. Barbora Kopecká and Šimon Haspra also distinguished themselves, earning second and third place respectively, for their theses on "Bilingual Literacy – Content and Language Integrated Learning" and "Future EFL Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness." Their presentations were not only insightful but also showcased their well-spoken and professional approach. The conference was further enhanced by the engaging discussions and the students’ ability to stay abreast of current educational trends.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all the participants for their contributions. Renáta Kunová - The Development of English Student Teachers' Phonic Competence Barbora Kopecká - Bilingual Literacy - Content and Language Integrated Learning. Šimon Haspra - Future EFL Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness.
               Alexandra Grmanová - Critical Thinking in English Lessons (at the Secondary Level of Education)
               Eva Gembická - CLIL method in Geography
kajak 2 
Text: Mgr. Dorothea Salinková, Katedra anglického jazyka a kultúry PF UKF
Foto: Mgr. Gregor Vnučko, Katedra anglického jazyka a kultúry PF UKF

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