Ďalšia návšteva „Brány do Wisconsinu“

V máji 2018 PhDr. Zuzana Tabačková, PhD. z Katedry lingvodidaktiky a interkultúrnych štúdií Pedagogickej fakulty UKF v Nitre navštívila ako v poradí tretí zamestnanec katedry Beloit College vo Wisconsine, USA. Výskumný pobyt bol organizovaný v rámci dohôd 
Erasmus+ podpísaných medzi Beloit College a Univerzitou Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Beloit College je najstaršou nepretržite fungujúcou vysokou školou v štáte, ktorá vznikla ešte skôr ako samotný Wisconsin.
Počas svojho pobytu sa Zuzana Tabačková venovala literárnemu výskumu so zameraním na imigrantských autorov. Zúčastnila sa na workshope o tvorbe vysokoškolských seminárov, ako aj na množstve stretnutí s profesormi a zamestnancami školy, ktorí sa vo svojom výskume zameriavajú na imigrantskú a postkoloniálnu literatúru, súčasnú americkú poéziu a kreatívne písanie. V rámci mobility taktiež navštívila Hemingwayovo rodisko v Oak Parku, ako aj Shakespearovské divadlo a Inštitút umenia v Chicagu. Dúfame, že návšteva Beloitu (prezývaného tiež „Bránou do Wisconsinu“) bude začiatkom ďalšej spolupráce medzi americkými odborníkmi v oblasti literatúry a Univerzitou Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre.
Autor: Zuzana Tabačková

Another Visit to the “Gateway to Wisconsin”
In the May of 2018, PhDr. Zuzana Tabackova, PhD. from the Department of Language Pedagogy and Intercultural Studies, Faculty of Education, visited Beloit College, Wisconsin as the third staff member in a row. The visit was organized within the Erasmus+ exchange program agreement between Beloit College and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. The former is the oldest continuously functioning liberal arts college in the state, which has been in existence longer than the state of Wisconsin itself.
During her stay, Zuzana Tabackova had an opportunity to carry out literary research in the area of immigrant literary pursuits. She participated in a workshop for future seminar leaders and in a series of meetings with professors and staff members whose research interests include immigrant narratives, postcolonial literature, contemporary American poetry, and creative writing. As a part of her staff training mobility, she also visited Hemingway’s birthplace in Oak Park, Shakespearean Theatre in Chicago, and the Art Institute of Chicago. We hope that the visit to Beloit, the Gateway to Wisconsin, will be a “gateway to future cooperation” between American literary scholars and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.
Author: Zuzana Tabackova

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